Nikolai Patru-shev, Russia’s Intelligence chief, made the following comment in an interview with the Moscow newspaper Kommer-sant 11/13/24:
“The election campaign is over. To achieve success in the election, Donald Trump relied on certain forces to which he has corresponding obligations. As a responsible person, he will be obliged to fulfill them.” This is a mind-blowing bit of psychological warfare! The Russians are basically telling Trump:
We put you in office. Now it's time for you to pay us back.
After Trump/Vance bully pulpit show I’d say Trumps payback to PUTIN is alive and well.
Excellent analysis. Which begs the question, what about Malaria—I mean Melania Knauss? After Trump won the election, we saw RT (Sixty Minutes), release nude photos of her; was this a friendly reminder to The Donald to keep his promises, or a shot across the bow?
It’s also been claimed that Melania was a high end escort during her fashion days (speculation). And as a single guy living in Miami, I can personally collaborate that a lot of the Eastern Europe’s models are, indeed, high class escorts on the side. I’ve personally been approached by these ladies on several occasions in restaurant bars, and private events, like Art Basel.
And if these Eastern European intelligence agencies targeted Ivana, and her family, it reasons that Melania’s father must have been targeted as well. After all, her father, Victor Knavs, was a member of the communist party in Yugoslavia, and the family “lived very well even when times were lean” according to neighbors at the time. Just saying!…:)
“The Kremlin said in remarks aired Sunday that the United States' sudden shift in foreign policy "largely aligns" with its own position. “The new administration is rapidly changing all foreign policy configurations. This largely aligns with our vision," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a reporter from state television.” — Moscow Times, March 1, 2025
Every member of the Republican establishment crawling, groveling for attention from Orange SHitler! obediently drinking the koolaid ! I do not want any brainwashed clown representing me. I’m your boss - you represent me and I do not accept this South African and his lapdog Orange SHitler .. how dare these clowns walk out of town halls and have constituents arrested when they ask questions: what the actual FUCK ..
A Very interesting article-however, there are at least two paragraphs I noted, that are almost exact duplicates of one another...I imagine you are trying to turn out your stuff quickly and missed that you had already written your thoughts.
1) talking about Ivana’s father and then
2) describing the Jewish electronics store owner. Figured I would let you know in case you wanted to edit.
Very interesting; thanks. Also, typo under funeral pic and I couldn’t understand this line: “and notes that Ivana Czech with her children when they were in the US”
Its really shameful that none of this is not common knowledge at this point but here we are.
I’m sure that some of this info is common knowledge in New York as ‘Krasnov’ was always a bit of a 4th rate celebrity that nobody took very seriously till now.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for showing us the side of this that makes total sense based on facts not hyperbole.
It is appreciated. Can’t understand why no one has ever connected the dots as you so eloquently have. Unfortunately the solution to this equation has us where we are right now on the precipice of a total disaster for this country.
Thank you for this excellent, detailed, well sourced reportage. This is critical information that needs to be widely shared. Remarkably evocative of the re-watch my husband and I are doing right now of the Alec-Guinness-as-George-Smiley John Le Carré series from the '70s and '80s: "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" and "Smiley's People." Carré, a former spy, weighed in on Trump’s connections to Putin in 2017, covered in various media: (read to bottom for link to NYT interview).
Thank you for the link (and the note directing me to the NYT article.
I found an interesting quote by Ben Macintyre: “Spying and fiction are not entirely different processes. You try to create an artificial world. And the better and more realistic and more emotionally believable you can make that world, as either a spy or a novelist, the better you are going to be at it.”
Seems to apply to Trump, Johnson, Rubio, Vance, Graham… shall I go on?
There are, in fact, more references existing that you will no doubt find, or already have. Very glad you are putting it together. One in Politico Magazine and another in the Times of India. I think it is getting legs but not to main media yet. I tried to feed it to Rachel Maddow. I think she is leading up to it. What is missing is hard evidence. The story so far is word of mouth from two KGB related individuals, another from Khazakstan (Soviet Union). Evidence is needed that will hold up in court.
Thank you, Michael! I appreciate your methodical approach and expert insights to this theory that so many of us have held for years. I look forward to reading more as you continue your analysis.
And while I understand that you don't want to appear to favor a specific conclusion before you're done, I think it's safe for you to declare that Trump is at a minimum acting in his own interests, rather than attributing it to some twisted advocacy for the US, without seeming partial. "His actions in the past week make it absolutely clear that at a minimum, he sees a synchronicity between US interests and Russian interests and wants to reshape US foreign policy around that belief", is far too forgiving.
I’m so glad to see someone pulling on this thread! I hope it gets unraveled…look forward to following the rest of the story! Thank you 🙏
Nikolai Patru-shev, Russia’s Intelligence chief, made the following comment in an interview with the Moscow newspaper Kommer-sant 11/13/24:
“The election campaign is over. To achieve success in the election, Donald Trump relied on certain forces to which he has corresponding obligations. As a responsible person, he will be obliged to fulfill them.” This is a mind-blowing bit of psychological warfare! The Russians are basically telling Trump:
We put you in office. Now it's time for you to pay us back.
After Trump/Vance bully pulpit show I’d say Trumps payback to PUTIN is alive and well.
I wonder if Rupert Murdoch is somehow in this mix.
Treason is not always about killing others. Often, it is about gaining a voice where one does not exist.
Always, it is about turning weak-willed people with selfish attitudes toward their own greed. This one is one such human.
…every new yorker knew that for fucking years
Just on a hunch, I've always believed Melania was and is a spy.
It's the only logical explanation...
Ivana was also a "red swallow"
Do you mean “red sparrow”?
Excellent analysis. Which begs the question, what about Malaria—I mean Melania Knauss? After Trump won the election, we saw RT (Sixty Minutes), release nude photos of her; was this a friendly reminder to The Donald to keep his promises, or a shot across the bow?
It’s also been claimed that Melania was a high end escort during her fashion days (speculation). And as a single guy living in Miami, I can personally collaborate that a lot of the Eastern Europe’s models are, indeed, high class escorts on the side. I’ve personally been approached by these ladies on several occasions in restaurant bars, and private events, like Art Basel.
And if these Eastern European intelligence agencies targeted Ivana, and her family, it reasons that Melania’s father must have been targeted as well. After all, her father, Victor Knavs, was a member of the communist party in Yugoslavia, and the family “lived very well even when times were lean” according to neighbors at the time. Just saying!…:)
“The Kremlin said in remarks aired Sunday that the United States' sudden shift in foreign policy "largely aligns" with its own position. “The new administration is rapidly changing all foreign policy configurations. This largely aligns with our vision," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a reporter from state television.” — Moscow Times, March 1, 2025
Ivana's whole family was in the Czech KGB, which is why the mom was a telephone "operator" and went Ivana was allowed to travel ☝️
Is this confirmed, or just speculation?
This is absolutely baffling to me..
Every member of the Republican establishment crawling, groveling for attention from Orange SHitler! obediently drinking the koolaid ! I do not want any brainwashed clown representing me. I’m your boss - you represent me and I do not accept this South African and his lapdog Orange SHitler .. how dare these clowns walk out of town halls and have constituents arrested when they ask questions: what the actual FUCK ..
Trump’s treason is in plain sight. It is difficult to imagine what more is needed short of his own admission that he is a Russian agent.🇨🇦
A Very interesting article-however, there are at least two paragraphs I noted, that are almost exact duplicates of one another...I imagine you are trying to turn out your stuff quickly and missed that you had already written your thoughts.
1) talking about Ivana’s father and then
2) describing the Jewish electronics store owner. Figured I would let you know in case you wanted to edit.
Thanks for your work!
LOL thanks yes I was trying to get it out Sunday morning for Sunday reading i'll fix. Thanks for spotting it.
Very interesting; thanks. Also, typo under funeral pic and I couldn’t understand this line: “and notes that Ivana Czech with her children when they were in the US”
Yes, they certainly seem to be at a funeral, not a "funder".
And the funeral , written as funders(?)
Its really shameful that none of this is not common knowledge at this point but here we are.
I’m sure that some of this info is common knowledge in New York as ‘Krasnov’ was always a bit of a 4th rate celebrity that nobody took very seriously till now.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for showing us the side of this that makes total sense based on facts not hyperbole.
It is appreciated. Can’t understand why no one has ever connected the dots as you so eloquently have. Unfortunately the solution to this equation has us where we are right now on the precipice of a total disaster for this country.
Thank you for this excellent, detailed, well sourced reportage. This is critical information that needs to be widely shared. Remarkably evocative of the re-watch my husband and I are doing right now of the Alec-Guinness-as-George-Smiley John Le Carré series from the '70s and '80s: "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" and "Smiley's People." Carré, a former spy, weighed in on Trump’s connections to Putin in 2017, covered in various media: (read to bottom for link to NYT interview).
Thank you for the link (and the note directing me to the NYT article.
I found an interesting quote by Ben Macintyre: “Spying and fiction are not entirely different processes. You try to create an artificial world. And the better and more realistic and more emotionally believable you can make that world, as either a spy or a novelist, the better you are going to be at it.”
Seems to apply to Trump, Johnson, Rubio, Vance, Graham… shall I go on?
This is their alternate reality.
O can’t upgrade but just what I read! Holy Shit!
I don't know how, but a search of this entire sub stack for KGB/KRASNOV could reveal a lot more.
If one could put it together.
Also see Paddy Murphy's work on Trump and KG . Here on Bluesky.
There are, in fact, more references existing that you will no doubt find, or already have. Very glad you are putting it together. One in Politico Magazine and another in the Times of India. I think it is getting legs but not to main media yet. I tried to feed it to Rachel Maddow. I think she is leading up to it. What is missing is hard evidence. The story so far is word of mouth from two KGB related individuals, another from Khazakstan (Soviet Union). Evidence is needed that will hold up in court.
Thank you for this work.
Oh I’m going down a super rabbit hole.
Thank you, Michael! I appreciate your methodical approach and expert insights to this theory that so many of us have held for years. I look forward to reading more as you continue your analysis.
And while I understand that you don't want to appear to favor a specific conclusion before you're done, I think it's safe for you to declare that Trump is at a minimum acting in his own interests, rather than attributing it to some twisted advocacy for the US, without seeming partial. "His actions in the past week make it absolutely clear that at a minimum, he sees a synchronicity between US interests and Russian interests and wants to reshape US foreign policy around that belief", is far too forgiving.