“The bottom line is that the report shows an absolutely irrefutable pattern of engagement between Trump and the Trump campaign and various players who were working on behalf of Vladimir Putin an Russia interests. There is no doubt that the Russian parties worked on behalf of Trump and Trump’s people welome their help.”
I’m not sure why rehashing the Mueller Report is crucial to any investigation going forward, since Trump’s people were clearly “conspiring with the Russian’s; 100% proof, or not! They haven’t even been trying to hide the fact, which is kind of the point for Trump; he commits his crimes in plain sight!
This was released shortly after the election on RT:
“Shortly after the election, a newspaper reporter asked Nikolai Patrushev, who is close to Putin, if Trump’s election would mean “positive changes from Russia’s point of view.” Patrushev answered: “To achieve success in the elections, Donald Trump relied on certain forces to which he has corresponding obligations. And as a responsible person, he will be obliged to fulfill them.”
This was released on March 1st:
“The Kremlin said in remarks aired Sunday that the United States' sudden shift in foreign policy "largely aligns" with its own position. “The new administration is rapidly changing all foreign policy configurations. This largely aligns with our vision," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a reporter from state television.” — Moscow Times, March 1, 2025
Additionally, during the 2016 campaign, Kushner, Manafort and Don Jr., met with representatives of Russia about repealing the so called “Magnitsky Act”; which put sanctions on Russia for the murder, and torture of a Russian Lawyer working on behalf of an American Hedge Fund Manager, who had his assets confiscated by Russia, based on Trumped up tax evasion charges.
In fact, at the meeting Kushner and Don Jr. asked if they could set up a back channel to Putin in the Russian Embassy in D.C.. clearly, there was intent by Trump’s family and closest advisers to conspire with elements of the Russian government to get Trump elected.
Not to mention, Trump said on national television; “Russia, if you’re listening, can you release Hillary’s emails”; and they did! Therefore, it’s not whether he colluded, or conspired (legal definition), the discussion is whether they knew it was illegal to do so. Ignorance is not an excuse for flouting the law. In fact, this is what Trump counts on; his ignorance of the law.
Furthermore, under today’s version of the law, Trump couldn’t be convicted anyway, because he would have immunity, which was essentially granted by a “kangaroo court,” who has happily handed a known felon, a get out of jail free card going forward.
Bottom line: there were 34 indictments, and 11 convictions, including Manafort for handing over private polling data to a Russian oligarch; former KGB —Konstantin V. Kilimnik, who had close ties to Putin.
Furthermore, our intelligence agencies have confirmed that Russia was conducting election interference in our elections since 2016, as well as running disinformation campaigns in 2024, with impunity on X and Facebook. This is not speculation at this point, which essentially makes this discussion moot.
Moreover, given this last “week in a year”; which feels more like “a year, in a week,” it’s safe to conclude that whatever Trump is, or was doing, it was never on behalf of the US government, or our long-term national security interests.
News Flash: we literally voted with N. Korea, Hungary, Russia, and China at the United Nations; against our Western Allies. Let that sink in!
Additionally, the leader of an allied nation (Zelenskyy), who had been under attack for three years by a hostile invader, was “ambushed” in the Oval Office; deliberately on national TV by a third rate mobster, who we call Dear Leader.
And lastly, Trump put tariffs on all of our closest trading partners for NO actual “good reason” or national security interest. WHY?
Bottom line: we are debating nonsense! The Mueller Report is so passé; we need to focus on today, and the future! We’re trying to save what’s left of our democracy, not rehash the past, because either way, it’s the present that will ultimately decide our fate! IMHO…:)
FYI: Did I mention that Trump froze all aid to Ukraine last night??????
Thank you, Michael and Robert. Am not an expert, but passing on more reasons for grave concern and need for present action!
Hoping that sharing this may bring more attention to the critical need for auditing election tabulators before future elections. The statistician types at Electiontruthalliance.org are calling for this, in PA, for example, having identified likely 'changed algorithms' in tabulators that directly and significantly affected the 2024 presidential and senatorial elections in 7 swing states they examined. The reviews were prompted by their initial review of 2024 results in two typically blue counties in Nevada.
If true, there are clear implications affecting the validity of future elections so tabulated... If the excellent cogent presentation of statistical analyses of the data on the Mike Thompson Show by Nathan Taylor of ElectionTruthAlliance.org is on point, this should receive alot of attention.
I'm passing it on here as info, for further review, etc.
ETA's statistical analyses suggest very 'suspicious' and 'statistically improbable' results indicating 'changed algorithms' in (70% of, if I understand this correctly, election tabulators from 2 companies) in 2024 elections, and some evidence of same in 2020.
I find all of this fascinating, yet I wonder how much it matters now. Trump returned after a failed coup and is governing as if political consequences no longer concern him. Many assume he’ll be gone in four years, but he has stacked his cabinet and America’s institutions with election deniers who have no intention of relinquishing power in 2028. He’s already ruling by decree and using the courts to push the limits of his authority—so far, with SCOTUS occasionally stepping in, as it did last Friday. The bottom line? The same strategy that solidified Putin’s grip on Russia has fueled Trump’s rise in the U.S.: waging war on reality itself, denying that truth exists at all.
Nonetheless, I appreciate your coverage on this topic. It is not mutually exclusive—there is plenty of other coverage raising the alarm about our ongoing “constitutional crisis.”
I didn’t mean to accuse or downplay anything—just expressing my own frustration with what we’re all witnessing; my apologies if I came across this way. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge, time and effort.
We’re in a dark place, and I know I’m not alone in searching for even the faintest glimmer of light to break through this heavy pall that hangs not just over the United States, but the world at this moment in history. In the end, it falls to each of us to summon the courage to do what’s right when our conscience calls—to be a light in our own spheres of influence (ie, place of work, neighborhood, towns, cities, friends, family, strangers, etc) and make a difference where we can.
We got hung up on collusion and conspiracy- but as I learned from reading John Sipher- CONVERGENCE IS WORSE.
Trump isn't merely an ally of Putin- he has long held the same world view, values, and contempt for democracy as Putin. It's not kompromat or a hotel deal- it's his Russia-infused mind. He hates the West, including his own country.
I believe he is jealous of the power Putin wields over the Russian people and wants that much power himself over the American people. Pretty simple, really. He constantly tweets his fantasies all over us.
Does trump not realize that as soon Putin is done using him. He will get rid of him, 6 ft under. Oh well we won't miss you at all. You will soon be forgotten and no one will clap for you anymore.
I find it an astonishing proposition that ignorance of the requirement to be acting wilfully in order to be liable to prosecution absolves one of prosecution. That's like pleading that you didn't know what "No Trespassing" means, or a 55 mph speed limit. The "wilful" part of the offence relates to the offence, not to knowledge of whether it is or is not an offence. Ignoratia legis neminem excusat.
That "knowing" requirement, iirc, was what spared Don jr from prosecution for the meeting with Veselnitskaya in Trump Tower. Which confused me, in that Manafort was present, no one more "knowing" than he!
No, Mueller wrote in perfectly acceptable legalese. The reality is that most Americans only read TV. This is not TV, it is real language. Mueller is an honorable attorney and not a TV lawyer. Barr on the other hand? Barr twisted and reinterpreeted it - be angry at the perpetrator of the image
Yes, of course I am angry at perp, but I’m sorely disappointed with the investigator. When Barr came out with fake summary Mueller was not be found. Apparently he consider his job done. He determined he no responsibility to set the record straight. The legalese that he provided stood no chance of elucidating a clear understanding to the American public.
I like Mueller but I think his timidity contributed along with so many others to where we find ourselves today. I don’t think any of us imagined our current predicament. Everyone kept waiting for everyone else to do the right thing and DJT exposed every weakness and compitulation. We thought we were still living in the Nixon era and so did he.
Thank you so I much. In light of Friday’s Oval office meeting w/ President Zelenskyy, the United Nations vote, essentially endorsing the Russian stance, Trump’s cont. deference to Putin…got me thinking again about the Mueller report. But needed refreshing!
Strange how Ivana Trumps death was never investigated as a possible murder. An accomplished Alpine Skier falls to her death down stairs with a broken torso the day after her physically abusive ex husband and she have an altercation. She could have testified about his spy work with the KGB
Here is another name for the list of people who betrayed their country by not taking the trump danger seriously enough when maybe he could have been stopped then … not sure how any of these people sleep at night … here’s looking at you — McConnell, Graham, Cruz, and all of you who wrote books but wouldn’t speak up during interviews until it was too late … I’m so disgusted 😡🤬
There’s no time to piss around. Putin has been and is in control of our country, with or without Trump and all the traitors and is destroying everything everywhere at astonishing speeds. The heads have to be cut off, period, or there’s no hope.
Mueller told it as he saw it, in leglese. Barr reinterpreted it to make Trump look innocent. Why not drag Barr out into the public and make him answer for his calumny
Truthful information is ignored. The Democratic Party is tone deaf to the politics of today. All they seem to be able to do is to scream for money to stuff in their mattress while they wait for a mythical someone else to magically talk care of the problem.
I would have to agree with Mr Jaffee above - The Mueller Report serves little NOW other than to remind us of something we already knew. We could re-visit the known crimes of Putin but we already know he’s a criminal. There are givens or truths; now let us take those and move forward. Peskov’s statement a few days ago tells any reasonable person that Trump is an ally of the Russian Government - that is a known or given. We need to know why.
…”i was waiting for Mueller first, then impeachments, then “harsh money scandal” then COUP, which is still in progress, did i mention he’s a free as a bird running for president and there’s a good chance he will skate away from it all becoming president again, last president that is, because he’ll be THE FIRST american dictator, and you telling me “never tear”?
…americans are POLITICALLY IMPAIRED people, who NEVER EVER experienced fascism FROM WITHIN, trump is smallest problem we have, even if IMAGINE democrats get all the political power, which is absolute fantasy, please tell me what is going to happen to half of the population who will not submit to ONE PARTY ? …have you ever thought of that ?!
…you’re completely DELUSIONAL if you think elections are a panacea to all our problem”
In what other context does it matter whether a criminal thoroughly understood the law and intended to break it? This is an absurd requirement and one that Putin's orange concubine has exploited at the expense of our nation.
“The bottom line is that the report shows an absolutely irrefutable pattern of engagement between Trump and the Trump campaign and various players who were working on behalf of Vladimir Putin an Russia interests. There is no doubt that the Russian parties worked on behalf of Trump and Trump’s people welome their help.”
I’m not sure why rehashing the Mueller Report is crucial to any investigation going forward, since Trump’s people were clearly “conspiring with the Russian’s; 100% proof, or not! They haven’t even been trying to hide the fact, which is kind of the point for Trump; he commits his crimes in plain sight!
This was released shortly after the election on RT:
“Shortly after the election, a newspaper reporter asked Nikolai Patrushev, who is close to Putin, if Trump’s election would mean “positive changes from Russia’s point of view.” Patrushev answered: “To achieve success in the elections, Donald Trump relied on certain forces to which he has corresponding obligations. And as a responsible person, he will be obliged to fulfill them.”
This was released on March 1st:
“The Kremlin said in remarks aired Sunday that the United States' sudden shift in foreign policy "largely aligns" with its own position. “The new administration is rapidly changing all foreign policy configurations. This largely aligns with our vision," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a reporter from state television.” — Moscow Times, March 1, 2025
Additionally, during the 2016 campaign, Kushner, Manafort and Don Jr., met with representatives of Russia about repealing the so called “Magnitsky Act”; which put sanctions on Russia for the murder, and torture of a Russian Lawyer working on behalf of an American Hedge Fund Manager, who had his assets confiscated by Russia, based on Trumped up tax evasion charges.
In fact, at the meeting Kushner and Don Jr. asked if they could set up a back channel to Putin in the Russian Embassy in D.C.. clearly, there was intent by Trump’s family and closest advisers to conspire with elements of the Russian government to get Trump elected.
Not to mention, Trump said on national television; “Russia, if you’re listening, can you release Hillary’s emails”; and they did! Therefore, it’s not whether he colluded, or conspired (legal definition), the discussion is whether they knew it was illegal to do so. Ignorance is not an excuse for flouting the law. In fact, this is what Trump counts on; his ignorance of the law.
Furthermore, under today’s version of the law, Trump couldn’t be convicted anyway, because he would have immunity, which was essentially granted by a “kangaroo court,” who has happily handed a known felon, a get out of jail free card going forward.
Bottom line: there were 34 indictments, and 11 convictions, including Manafort for handing over private polling data to a Russian oligarch; former KGB —Konstantin V. Kilimnik, who had close ties to Putin.
Furthermore, our intelligence agencies have confirmed that Russia was conducting election interference in our elections since 2016, as well as running disinformation campaigns in 2024, with impunity on X and Facebook. This is not speculation at this point, which essentially makes this discussion moot.
Moreover, given this last “week in a year”; which feels more like “a year, in a week,” it’s safe to conclude that whatever Trump is, or was doing, it was never on behalf of the US government, or our long-term national security interests.
News Flash: we literally voted with N. Korea, Hungary, Russia, and China at the United Nations; against our Western Allies. Let that sink in!
Additionally, the leader of an allied nation (Zelenskyy), who had been under attack for three years by a hostile invader, was “ambushed” in the Oval Office; deliberately on national TV by a third rate mobster, who we call Dear Leader.
And lastly, Trump put tariffs on all of our closest trading partners for NO actual “good reason” or national security interest. WHY?
Bottom line: we are debating nonsense! The Mueller Report is so passé; we need to focus on today, and the future! We’re trying to save what’s left of our democracy, not rehash the past, because either way, it’s the present that will ultimately decide our fate! IMHO…:)
FYI: Did I mention that Trump froze all aid to Ukraine last night??????
Thank you, Michael and Robert. Am not an expert, but passing on more reasons for grave concern and need for present action!
Hoping that sharing this may bring more attention to the critical need for auditing election tabulators before future elections. The statistician types at Electiontruthalliance.org are calling for this, in PA, for example, having identified likely 'changed algorithms' in tabulators that directly and significantly affected the 2024 presidential and senatorial elections in 7 swing states they examined. The reviews were prompted by their initial review of 2024 results in two typically blue counties in Nevada.
If true, there are clear implications affecting the validity of future elections so tabulated... If the excellent cogent presentation of statistical analyses of the data on the Mike Thompson Show by Nathan Taylor of ElectionTruthAlliance.org is on point, this should receive alot of attention.
I'm passing it on here as info, for further review, etc.
ETA's statistical analyses suggest very 'suspicious' and 'statistically improbable' results indicating 'changed algorithms' in (70% of, if I understand this correctly, election tabulators from 2 companies) in 2024 elections, and some evidence of same in 2020.
Check it out. How best to assess and inform?? https://youtu.be/AWSWqn7UHYM?si=rMWDJz4pLEUrLQao
Free and fair elections are of the essence....
To show more proof that Trump was bought by Putin.
What more do you need?..:)
I find all of this fascinating, yet I wonder how much it matters now. Trump returned after a failed coup and is governing as if political consequences no longer concern him. Many assume he’ll be gone in four years, but he has stacked his cabinet and America’s institutions with election deniers who have no intention of relinquishing power in 2028. He’s already ruling by decree and using the courts to push the limits of his authority—so far, with SCOTUS occasionally stepping in, as it did last Friday. The bottom line? The same strategy that solidified Putin’s grip on Russia has fueled Trump’s rise in the U.S.: waging war on reality itself, denying that truth exists at all.
I share all those concerns and agree that one could be accused of watering the garden while the house burns down, for focusing on Trump-Russia.
Your reminders here are still, sadly, highly relevant.
Nonetheless, I appreciate your coverage on this topic. It is not mutually exclusive—there is plenty of other coverage raising the alarm about our ongoing “constitutional crisis.”
I didn’t mean to accuse or downplay anything—just expressing my own frustration with what we’re all witnessing; my apologies if I came across this way. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge, time and effort.
We’re in a dark place, and I know I’m not alone in searching for even the faintest glimmer of light to break through this heavy pall that hangs not just over the United States, but the world at this moment in history. In the end, it falls to each of us to summon the courage to do what’s right when our conscience calls—to be a light in our own spheres of influence (ie, place of work, neighborhood, towns, cities, friends, family, strangers, etc) and make a difference where we can.
I am probably one of a few that read it cover-to-cover.
It’s all there in black and white. The road map to Trump and Russia.
We got hung up on collusion and conspiracy- but as I learned from reading John Sipher- CONVERGENCE IS WORSE.
Trump isn't merely an ally of Putin- he has long held the same world view, values, and contempt for democracy as Putin. It's not kompromat or a hotel deal- it's his Russia-infused mind. He hates the West, including his own country.
I believe he is jealous of the power Putin wields over the Russian people and wants that much power himself over the American people. Pretty simple, really. He constantly tweets his fantasies all over us.
Does trump not realize that as soon Putin is done using him. He will get rid of him, 6 ft under. Oh well we won't miss you at all. You will soon be forgotten and no one will clap for you anymore.
I find it an astonishing proposition that ignorance of the requirement to be acting wilfully in order to be liable to prosecution absolves one of prosecution. That's like pleading that you didn't know what "No Trespassing" means, or a 55 mph speed limit. The "wilful" part of the offence relates to the offence, not to knowledge of whether it is or is not an offence. Ignoratia legis neminem excusat.
That "knowing" requirement, iirc, was what spared Don jr from prosecution for the meeting with Veselnitskaya in Trump Tower. Which confused me, in that Manafort was present, no one more "knowing" than he!
Mueller’s report was so opaque that he deserves as much responsibility for this shit show as Comey, and Garland. He is no one’s hero.
No, Mueller wrote in perfectly acceptable legalese. The reality is that most Americans only read TV. This is not TV, it is real language. Mueller is an honorable attorney and not a TV lawyer. Barr on the other hand? Barr twisted and reinterpreeted it - be angry at the perpetrator of the image
Yes, of course I am angry at perp, but I’m sorely disappointed with the investigator. When Barr came out with fake summary Mueller was not be found. Apparently he consider his job done. He determined he no responsibility to set the record straight. The legalese that he provided stood no chance of elucidating a clear understanding to the American public.
He was not allowed to talk. Mueller did not hide.
Of course he was allowed to talk and he did testify before congress:
I accede to your dislije, but do not agree
I like Mueller but I think his timidity contributed along with so many others to where we find ourselves today. I don’t think any of us imagined our current predicament. Everyone kept waiting for everyone else to do the right thing and DJT exposed every weakness and compitulation. We thought we were still living in the Nixon era and so did he.
Exactly how I feel. What a god damn shit show that was. Useless…again.
Thank you so I much. In light of Friday’s Oval office meeting w/ President Zelenskyy, the United Nations vote, essentially endorsing the Russian stance, Trump’s cont. deference to Putin…got me thinking again about the Mueller report. But needed refreshing!
Strange how Ivana Trumps death was never investigated as a possible murder. An accomplished Alpine Skier falls to her death down stairs with a broken torso the day after her physically abusive ex husband and she have an altercation. She could have testified about his spy work with the KGB
Here is another name for the list of people who betrayed their country by not taking the trump danger seriously enough when maybe he could have been stopped then … not sure how any of these people sleep at night … here’s looking at you — McConnell, Graham, Cruz, and all of you who wrote books but wouldn’t speak up during interviews until it was too late … I’m so disgusted 😡🤬
There’s no time to piss around. Putin has been and is in control of our country, with or without Trump and all the traitors and is destroying everything everywhere at astonishing speeds. The heads have to be cut off, period, or there’s no hope.
Mueller told it as he saw it, in leglese. Barr reinterpreted it to make Trump look innocent. Why not drag Barr out into the public and make him answer for his calumny
Truthful information is ignored. The Democratic Party is tone deaf to the politics of today. All they seem to be able to do is to scream for money to stuff in their mattress while they wait for a mythical someone else to magically talk care of the problem.
I would have to agree with Mr Jaffee above - The Mueller Report serves little NOW other than to remind us of something we already knew. We could re-visit the known crimes of Putin but we already know he’s a criminal. There are givens or truths; now let us take those and move forward. Peskov’s statement a few days ago tells any reasonable person that Trump is an ally of the Russian Government - that is a known or given. We need to know why.
Why didn’t Mueller go after Trump when he was no longer President?
…hahahahahaha “forgotten”
…i wrote this on July 11 2023:
…”i was waiting for Mueller first, then impeachments, then “harsh money scandal” then COUP, which is still in progress, did i mention he’s a free as a bird running for president and there’s a good chance he will skate away from it all becoming president again, last president that is, because he’ll be THE FIRST american dictator, and you telling me “never tear”?
…americans are POLITICALLY IMPAIRED people, who NEVER EVER experienced fascism FROM WITHIN, trump is smallest problem we have, even if IMAGINE democrats get all the political power, which is absolute fantasy, please tell me what is going to happen to half of the population who will not submit to ONE PARTY ? …have you ever thought of that ?!
…you’re completely DELUSIONAL if you think elections are a panacea to all our problem”
In what other context does it matter whether a criminal thoroughly understood the law and intended to break it? This is an absurd requirement and one that Putin's orange concubine has exploited at the expense of our nation.