I think the admitted fact that Russian money helped Trump out of a hole when western banks wouldn't lend him a cent might be a lot closer to the truth. The first one is always free...

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I have been beating the same drum for 10 years or more. Look up Deutsch bank’s role in his bankruptcies. Also Deutsch bank was instrumental in Russia’s economic espionage campaign. I wish I could go on FB and show how many times I wrote the above. I felt like Cassandra of Troy, speaking truth about the Trojan Horse but no one listens. Now, this is all over the news.

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I am so happy that this important information is being presented and published! Now it’s time that Trump’s criminal history of rapes and sexual abuse come forward. The Jeffery Epstein case is a place to start….

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Chilling in it's enduring plausibilty.

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Still just rumor and hearsay, unfortunately. If true, KGB is careful to cover its tracks. If nothing substantive had come out after the past decade of intense scrutiny of Trump, it seems unlikely that a smoking gun that might significantly impact him will appear. I want this all to be true, but even if there were kompromat, would it really change anything? The guy was convicted of 34 felonies save sexual assault and still got elected! MAGAs already know he loves Putin and voted for him. It would be worth uncovering the full street of Trump's links to Russia for history but I'm skeptical that it would change our current lousy situation.

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Your information together with the Muller report that I've read through, coupled to Trump's extraordinary behaviour, other than he is completely mad or sickenly avid would indeed indicate that he is "Krasnov." The Kremlin could not have hoped to have ever achieved what Trump has done in just 35 days: Insulted a democratically elected president, first on his social media then on TV weakening Zelensky' position even before peace talks started.

Who does that favour?

- Refused to state that Russia was the aggressor.

- Refused to say that Putin didn't want to hold peace talks, despite the whole world's attempt to induce him to do so.

- Acted like a Mafia boss to extort mineral land from Ukraine in exchange for American protection.

Whose to gain from the above if not Putin?

- Withdrawing without due warning America's nuclear unbrella protecting NATO

Whose to gain from that if not Putin's Russia

-Dismantling the North Atlantic Alliance dear to the U.S. and Western countries.

Whose to gain from that, if not Russia?

- Voting alongside Russia and North Korea (!) at the UN.

- Demolished US credibility throughout the western world ( see https://youtu.be/TEjKctHQvn8?feature=shared )

Even if If he isn't Krasnov, Trump is America's and the West's worst enemy and 100 times more dangerous than Bill Laden ever was.

Perhaps I should introduce myself, I used to be a journalist and probably the first to state on London Broadcasting Co (LBC) 15 minutes after it happened, that the shooting of the hope was to be found behind the iron curtain in an attempt to stop the winds of freedom from blowing its way. ( i e. From poland)

So thank you very much for you plausible explanation to such sheer madness.

Michael E.L. Hall

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Recall during the 2024 campaign, Trump repeatedly said, "I don't even need to be here. They tell me I have the votes."

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Makes too much sense to ignore and if you followed Trump ( not intentionally) you’d feel like this is credible. In the 80’s - 90’s he openly admitted to a lot.

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Thanks much, the entire piece is worth the read because it covers considerable ground. Nice to see the mentions of early warnings by knowledgeable US experts (like Morell, Clapper, Hill), although this list could be longer (e.g. Hayden, Sipher, Hall). Of course, there's still a lot of ground to cover regarding Trump's activities in the 1990s and beyond.

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During the 2024 campaign season, Trump repeatedly said, "I don't even need to be here. They tell me I have the votes."

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A beautiful pheasant you bird-dogged. Keep hunting!!

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Thank you for sharing this info and reportage.

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And there's always the 2021 book "American Kompromat" as cited in a Guardian article at the time


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Thank you for the repost.

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Maybe you should stop reading French (and others) intelligence smears on Trump and switch to my substack about Comrades Macron, Holz, and Starmer leading the way to a Russian-EU integration via an arrangement that boosts that integration, paints Trump and the US as the villain, Putin (and Xi?) as heroes and leaves NATO and the EU to "reset" without the USA.

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hey....went over and checked out your blog....read the one on obama starting what became DOGE. you lost me with 'Democrats can go fuck themselves. Don’t like it? Write a strongly worded memo to the President that created it: Barack Obama.' Rage posting is fun but i'm on a different page. i'm on Team Civil Discourse. kinda quaint, but keeps my blood pressure down to play that way.

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Pearl clutching. The humanity. The Trump is a KGB agent will be shredded next.

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Consider the difference between an open professional mindset and blind partisan mindset. Open professional: Base on the available info, I can't be sure but the probabilities are as follows--and my view may change if new information becomes available. Now for the Blind Partisan: I'm right, you're an idiot for thinking otherwise, and no information you present will change my mind. Where do you fit in on the spectrum between those two?

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