Thank you, Michael. Your explanations only go to reinforce a sense of cogency that I had gained when reading the piece about Mr Trump.
There are blogs here where even voicing the word "thanks" requires me to sign up as a paid subscriber. Well, that's perhaps unfortunate. Here, what I can say to you is that, when my financial woes are resolved and I'm back in the black, you will have a coffee from me. And, meanwhile, you have my grateful thanks for your quality work.
Really appreciate you explaining you methodology. If only other 'influencers' , 'commontators' asked the like, could follow some of basic principles too.
I appreciate your careful analysis. Unlike Cody Lawrence, I believe that first we must know our enemy (we must know all about them). And I also believe that any action is better than no action in circumstances such as these. A small initial seemingly ineffective action paves the way for people unused to action to find the courage and the wherewithal for greater, more obviously effective action.
I would be very interested to know the full extent of Russian money laundering via the purchase across decades of Trump condos. Can you offer fresh perspective on any links between Felix Sater and the Russian mob or between Sater and US intelligence. Why is there still no Trump hotel in Moscow if Trump tried for decades to build one? What is your conclusion about the sale of Trump’s palm beach mansion to Dmitry Rybolovlev? Why, in Oct. 2016 did ex prosecutor Ken Mx Callion write in a blog that Trump’s SoHo hotel “was largely financed by illegally obtained cash from Russia” etc. Also, please see:
Thank you Michael, I tried becoming a paid member, but right now it appears you’re only set up for unpaid subscriptions. Let me know if there is an issue, or when you’re going to set up the paid subscription service. And Great analysis, by the way. I certainty question your credentials. Thanks!
Hi Robert -- thanks for letting me know. I'm still learning to navigate here. I did not have the "paid" option turned on when i posted about the possible Trump rercruitmentin the 1980s so on that post, I'm pretty sure there is no "paid" option. But I did turn it on after that so on subsequent posts the option is there. Theoretically, if you are a free subscriber and are on this post now, if you scroll down to the "subscribe" button you should, as a free subscriber, see "upgrade to paid". That's what Substack support tells me. If you're not seeing that pls let me know as something is wrong. If you're seeng "subscribed" try clicking on it and see what happens. If none of these work, let me know because there is also another way to go to your settings and change it but it's complicated, several steps. I do need to get this sorted out so thanks for communicating with me on it.
Thank you, I subscribed. I had to go to the website, I couldn’t do it on the IOS App, but it’s definitely turned on. Thank you, and have a great evening.
And so meant, “I wasn’t questioning your credentials,” in my first comment above. Damn the autocorrect!…:)
Cody, youre clearly at the "break glass in case of emergency" phase and I accept that but i'm not quite there yet myself. i am deeply concerned and I am tracking closely, day by day. I"m not sure what solution you're proposing but if it's in the category of "break democracy to save democracy" then I'm definitely not there yet. If it involves using legal democratic processes to save democracy, then I'm all ears and likely on board.
Here's a thought. I'm consciously trying to play the role here of our community's "intelligence officer" in the classic sense - -a source of information and analysis. I'm not, for the moment at least playing the role of policy advocate. There are 8000 people on Substack doing that. My sense of it is that people hear so much shouted "the sky is falling" that it's hard to know the difference between partisan hype an real danger. I'm just trying to contribute to people being able to make an informed, rational choice. In limiting myself in this way -- I may later ocme to regret that I didn't "sound te alarm" more aggressively. But that's where i am at this point.
I spend more time than you might imagine, thinking about this. For me it starts with the eternal question: "How worried should I be." And the answer is, increasingly "very worried." I then find myself looking at the system and how it may or may not hold. For example, as we get closer and closer to Trump openly defying federal court orders, even at the Supreme Court level, I wonder -- what then? I look at the military purge and the placement of loyalists in all the top positions, including the JAGs, and i wonder -- what will the military do to either support or thwart Trump when the moment of truth comes. I also, like you, am appalled at the silence and lack of meaningful pushback from democratic leadership. You mention you've got a plan, i'd love to see it. I'll go to your site looking for it, or please send me anything you'd like me to read. Thanks again.
That's crazy -- $800. That only makes sense (maybe) is for some specialized niche "how to" blog iving out empowering, otherwise unavailable info. I'm not against getting paid -- hell, I think it's natural enough as a writer to want to make a living at it, rather than do it as a side hustle, but with so much free content available, you have to ask yourself-what makes this worth paying for?
Thank you, Michael. Your explanations only go to reinforce a sense of cogency that I had gained when reading the piece about Mr Trump.
There are blogs here where even voicing the word "thanks" requires me to sign up as a paid subscriber. Well, that's perhaps unfortunate. Here, what I can say to you is that, when my financial woes are resolved and I'm back in the black, you will have a coffee from me. And, meanwhile, you have my grateful thanks for your quality work.
Thank you.
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement. It means a lot.
Really appreciate you explaining you methodology. If only other 'influencers' , 'commontators' asked the like, could follow some of basic principles too.
Sir, your analysis was even headed and well written. I know it takes time and effort to write anything, so thank you.
A side note. Regardless of the authenticity of the story, the selection of the codename made me laugh. Typical inside joke:
Very interesting, thanks for the Wikipedia link.
I appreciate your careful analysis. Unlike Cody Lawrence, I believe that first we must know our enemy (we must know all about them). And I also believe that any action is better than no action in circumstances such as these. A small initial seemingly ineffective action paves the way for people unused to action to find the courage and the wherewithal for greater, more obviously effective action.
I really appreciated your cautious language and approach! It was a good reminder for me - not to get caught up in the fray but to remain vigilant
Is this going to be a movie or.. a limited series? Or both if possible?
I would be very interested to know the full extent of Russian money laundering via the purchase across decades of Trump condos. Can you offer fresh perspective on any links between Felix Sater and the Russian mob or between Sater and US intelligence. Why is there still no Trump hotel in Moscow if Trump tried for decades to build one? What is your conclusion about the sale of Trump’s palm beach mansion to Dmitry Rybolovlev? Why, in Oct. 2016 did ex prosecutor Ken Mx Callion write in a blog that Trump’s SoHo hotel “was largely financed by illegally obtained cash from Russia” etc. Also, please see:
Thank you Michael, I tried becoming a paid member, but right now it appears you’re only set up for unpaid subscriptions. Let me know if there is an issue, or when you’re going to set up the paid subscription service. And Great analysis, by the way. I certainty question your credentials. Thanks!
Hi Robert -- thanks for letting me know. I'm still learning to navigate here. I did not have the "paid" option turned on when i posted about the possible Trump rercruitmentin the 1980s so on that post, I'm pretty sure there is no "paid" option. But I did turn it on after that so on subsequent posts the option is there. Theoretically, if you are a free subscriber and are on this post now, if you scroll down to the "subscribe" button you should, as a free subscriber, see "upgrade to paid". That's what Substack support tells me. If you're not seeing that pls let me know as something is wrong. If you're seeng "subscribed" try clicking on it and see what happens. If none of these work, let me know because there is also another way to go to your settings and change it but it's complicated, several steps. I do need to get this sorted out so thanks for communicating with me on it.
Thank you, I subscribed. I had to go to the website, I couldn’t do it on the IOS App, but it’s definitely turned on. Thank you, and have a great evening.
And so meant, “I wasn’t questioning your credentials,” in my first comment above. Damn the autocorrect!…:)
I look forward to reading more of your analysis. I need to be persuaded to upgrade to a paid subscription.
Cody, youre clearly at the "break glass in case of emergency" phase and I accept that but i'm not quite there yet myself. i am deeply concerned and I am tracking closely, day by day. I"m not sure what solution you're proposing but if it's in the category of "break democracy to save democracy" then I'm definitely not there yet. If it involves using legal democratic processes to save democracy, then I'm all ears and likely on board.
Here's a thought. I'm consciously trying to play the role here of our community's "intelligence officer" in the classic sense - -a source of information and analysis. I'm not, for the moment at least playing the role of policy advocate. There are 8000 people on Substack doing that. My sense of it is that people hear so much shouted "the sky is falling" that it's hard to know the difference between partisan hype an real danger. I'm just trying to contribute to people being able to make an informed, rational choice. In limiting myself in this way -- I may later ocme to regret that I didn't "sound te alarm" more aggressively. But that's where i am at this point.
I spend more time than you might imagine, thinking about this. For me it starts with the eternal question: "How worried should I be." And the answer is, increasingly "very worried." I then find myself looking at the system and how it may or may not hold. For example, as we get closer and closer to Trump openly defying federal court orders, even at the Supreme Court level, I wonder -- what then? I look at the military purge and the placement of loyalists in all the top positions, including the JAGs, and i wonder -- what will the military do to either support or thwart Trump when the moment of truth comes. I also, like you, am appalled at the silence and lack of meaningful pushback from democratic leadership. You mention you've got a plan, i'd love to see it. I'll go to your site looking for it, or please send me anything you'd like me to read. Thanks again.
That's crazy -- $800. That only makes sense (maybe) is for some specialized niche "how to" blog iving out empowering, otherwise unavailable info. I'm not against getting paid -- hell, I think it's natural enough as a writer to want to make a living at it, rather than do it as a side hustle, but with so much free content available, you have to ask yourself-what makes this worth paying for?